My version of “how I have found the method to improve my writing skills and motivate myself to write on a daily basis.

iqra khan
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


I was about to write but suddenly my 3-year-old daughter started crying and I can’t see her crying, so I hugged her, talk with her to make her calm and relaxed. I was quite afraid of the fact that I can’t take control of her tantrums. This thing is always in my mind and makes me worried all the time. Anyhow, let’s come to the point of why I am writing and what I am writing about today. Last night I was watching a video about how to write daily and make writing a habit, something like that I don’t exactly remember the title of the video. The YouTuber said that start writing crap…..And I know that I am writing crap. She further added, when you start writing crap your writing skills will improve gradually and you will feel it by yourself.

I was actually demotivated and frustrated last night. My motivation level was zero. I was feeling so little and useless as I visited the profiles of my classmates, they were progressing and attained some level or position but I am still thinking to do something and searching for different ways “how to improve my writing skills, so finally I found a video to motivate myself and start writing.

The turning point that doubled my motivation level

I think everyone is familiar with the website “Quora” where you can ask questions and you probably get the most relevant answer that you were searching for. So I logged in to that website and asked the questions “what should I do to get a client for my content writing service”, Is there anyone in need of an article writer, proofreading and editing? The few answers that I have read were not really satisfied my soul. But when I scrolled down, I got an answer that would save my career or you should say that It was a real motivation or a turning point to start writing, reading articles and working on my content writing skill. The girl talk about the famous writer Jon Morrow, she wrote, she started reading the writings of Neil Patel and Jon Morrow, and she actually found her voice and started writing like these two big and famous writers. I already knew about the writer and blogger Neil Patel but I was not familiar with Jon Morrow. I searched his website and found his writing impressive and what can I say, the more I read, the more I wanted to read. So the turning point of my writing motivation was the articles and writings of Jon Morrow. I am hoping to read his articles on a regular basis to improve my writing skills.


To conclude, I would say that the motivation was real and It’s been two weeks I am working on “how to improve my content writing skills, but I was not in a position to write or you can say I was afraid to write. But you know people say that everything has its own time and it magically happens by the will of Allah. So my right time was this Jon Morrow thing, I am writing, however, it may be crap, but at least I have written something and made it clear that I can write and I don’t have to fear anything.



iqra khan

A person full of dreams, writer, love to laugh, eat and travel. I have a mission in my life and now I am trying hard to accomplish it. Please Allah help me.